Märklin HO Electric Locomotives

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$410.00 -8.4%
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This is a reproduction of the first H0 Gauge Crocodile prototype ever made at Märklin from 1936. The frame and body are constructed of die-cast zinc. Both trucks are powered with jackshafts and side rods. The locomotive has a factory-installed mfx decoder, so that it can be used on present day layouts. Sufficient clearance must be ensured due to the reproduction of this historic sample. The headlights change over with the direction of travel and will work in analog operation. There are sprung pantographs without an electrical function.

Length over the buffers 21 cm / 8-1/4". 

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Prototype: Class 146.2 passenger locomotive in a fictitious Märklin my world design. Built by Bombardier as a regular production locomotive from the TRAXX program of locomotives.

NOTE: one pantograph is damaged

Consignment Sale: This unit is inspected and found to be in very good condition. The factory warranty has expired. Sold as-is. Make sure to address all your concerns before making the purchase.

$400.00 -15%
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Prototype: Dutch State Railways (NS) class 1200 electric locomotive. Road number 1220. The locomotive looks as it did in the mid-Seventies. Era IV

The class 1200 locomotives can be characterized by their side vents, which were used in three different versions. The purpose of these vents was on the one hand air to cool the traction motors and to allow drive train resistance, and the other to prevent too much dirt and dust getting into these motors. The six and two part air conditioning vents, which had replaced the original three, two, and single piece side vents starting in 1955, worked in one respect too well! They filtered the air so efficiently that the cleaning intervals became very short. In an extensive test procedure, the single piece vents "Krap and Lex" prevailed.

$390.00 -15.38%
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Prototype: German Railroad, Inc. (DB AG) class 146.5 electric locomotive for long-distance service. Dual system locomotive from the TRAXX type program (P 160 AC2). Light gray long-distance paint scheme with traffic red decorative striping, in the current IC design. Locomotive for the train route: IC 2045 from Cologne to Dresden Main Station. Locomotive road number 146 572-3. The locomotive looks as it did around 2020.

$469.99 -8.75%
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Prototype: Pennsylvania Railroad (PRR) class GG-1 heavy general-purpose locomotive. 4-6-6-4 wheel arrangement. Built by General Electric and Westinghouse. Version in an experimental silver paint scheme. The locomotive looks as it did around 1955.

Announced in 2017 / Released 2018

Collector Item: This is a BRAND NEW locomotive kept in safe storage in MINT CONDITION.

$550.00 -16%
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Märklin H0 - Article No. 37754
class El 12 heavy ore locomotive (NSB) weathered, Era IV

Prototype: Heavy ore locomotive as a 2-car rod electric locomotive class El 12 of the Norwegian State Railways (NSB). Used on the lulea - Kiruna - Narvik ore railway. Operating numbers 2113+2114. Olive green basic colour scheme, large headlamps, cab doors in old arrangement, large snow ploughs (Norrland ploughs) and spoke wheels. Operating condition around 1970. Authentic weathering. Era IV

$560.00 -16.27%
out of stock / Special Order (subject to availability)

Prototype: Swiss Federal Railways (SBB) class Be 4/6 "Stängelilok" / "Little Sticks Locomotive" electric locomotive. Version as first delivered. Locomotive from the first production series. Dark brown basic paint scheme with black running gear. With older design buffers, cab doors at the ends of the locomotive with walkover plates, with sanding equipment, without an oncoming train light, and without an inductive magnet. Lengthwise cooling lines with 6 vertical mounting brackets. Road number 12305. The locomotive looks as it did in the mid-Twenties. Era II.

$560.00 -12.7%
Special Order (email us for availability)

Prototype: Swiss Federal Railways (SBB) class Ce 6/8 II "Crocodile" electric locomotive, as a museum locomotive of SBB Historic. Design from the first production series. Dark brown basic paint scheme. Standard sleeve-style buffers, end walkover plates, small switching steps, and grab irons included. Oncoming train light and Signum-Integra magnets included. Locomotive road number 14253. The locomotive looks as it currently does in real life.

$560.00 -13.1%
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Prototype: Swiss Federal Railways (SBB) class Be 6/8 II "Crocodile" electric locomotive. Design from the first production series. Fir green basic paint scheme. Two cab doors, wide switching steps on the hood sections, bow-shaped grab irons, sleeve-style buffers, without end walkover plates, with oncoming train lights, and Signum-Integra magnets included. Locomotive road number 13254. The locomotive looks as it did between 1960 and 1965. Era III