List of products by brand Walthers Cornerstone

$16.98 -17.55%
In Stock

Bridge Pier for Double-Track Truss Bridge - 5-3/8 x 1-1/8 x 3-3/8" 13.7 x 2.9 x 8.6cm
Walthers Part # 933-1041 (Discontinued at Walthers)
HO scale

This Walthers Cornerstone Bridge Pier simplifies combining multiple spans of the Double-Track Truss Bridge (933-3012, sold separately) in new or existing scenery. The one-piece resin casting is nicely detailed and can be adapted to many other bridge models.

$11.98 -15.28%
In Stock

Abutment Wings for Double-Track Truss Bridge - 3-3/4 x 3-3/8" 9.5 x 8.6cm
Walthers Part # 933-1042 (Discontinued at Walthers)
HO scale

Use the Wing Walls with the Walthers Cornerstone Bridge Abutment 933-3040, sold separately, in new or existing scenery. The one-piece resin casting is nicely detailed and can be adapted to many other bridge abutment models. NOTE: This package includes one left and one right wing wall.

$49.98 -15.53%
In Stock

For 933-2851, 2859, 2860 and 2618 Turntables Only (Each Sold Separately)
Walthers Part # 933-2320
HO scale

The Walthers Cornerstone Turntable Control Box allows you to expand operations of your HO or N Scale Cornerstone Motorized Turntable up to four remote locations. This add-on control box is designed for use with the turntables as noted above. It can be used on layouts running on DC or DCC train control and provides simple operation and programming with programmable indexing for up to 99 different tracks, one-touch 180-degree bridge rotation in either direction and a simplified LED display with adjustable brightness.

$99.98 -17.98%
In Stock

For DCC Operation with 933-2851, 2859, 2860 and 2618 Turntables Only (Each Sold Separately)
Walthers Part # 933-2321
HO scale
Download the Instruction Sheet (1825 K bytes, PDF format)
The Walthers Cornerstone Turntable Advanced Control Module makes it possible to operate your Motorized Turntable using DCC, serial UART, keypad or switch contacts. For DCC applications this circuit will function as a stationary decoder with no CV or programming required.

$17.98 -16.8%
In Stock

Walthers Part # 933-2602
N scale

Make any siding safer with Walthers Cornerstone N Scale Track Bumpers! Big steel bumpers like this have protected industrial sidings and station platforms for decades by preventing cars from running off the end of the tracks. These bumpers come fully assembled making them a snap to add to your steam or diesel-era scenes. Each set comes with five matching track bumpers that are easily installed on all brands of track.

$17.98 -16.8%
In Stock

Walthers Part # 933-2605
N scale

Make any siding safer with Walthers Cornerstone N Scale Track Bumpers! Big steel bumpers like this have protected industrial sidings and station platforms for decades by preventing cars from running off the end of the tracks. These bumpers come fully assembled making them a snap to add to your steam or diesel-era scenes. Each set comes with five matching track bumpers that are easily installed on all brands of track.

$49.98 -17.75%
In Stock

City Water Tower - Assembled - Black - 3-3/4 x 3-3/4 x 11" 9.3 x 9.3 x 27.5cm
Walthers Part # 933-2825
HO scale

The prototypes for the Walthers Cornerstone HO Scale City Water Tower are landmarks in small towns, big cities and factories. In use since the early 1900s, steel Water Tanks like these are still common sights today. Proudly emblazoned with the name of the town or the company, you'll also find them at hospitals, college campuses and military bases.

$49.98 -17.75%
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City Water Tower - Assembled - Silver - 3-3/4 x 3-3/4 x 11" 9.3 x 9.3 x 27.5cm
Walthers Part # 933-2826
HO scale

The prototypes for the Walthers Cornerstone HO Scale City Water Tower are landmarks in small towns, big cities and factories. In use since the early 1900s, steel Water Tanks like these are still common sights today. Proudly emblazoned with the name of the town or the company, you'll also find them at hospitals, college campuses and military bases.

$359.98 -17.9%
In Stock

Assembled - 16-7/16" 41.7cm Overall Diameter
Walthers Part # 933-2851
HO scale
Download the Instruction Sheet (2236 K bytes, PDF format)
Sure to be the focal point of any HO Scale engine terminal, this Walthers Cornerstone 110' Motorized Turntable is where steam locomotives, and later diesels, were turned around at the end of their runs. Normally serving a roundhouse, turntables were placed adjoining the roundhouse, servicing tracks and at major terminals, backshops. This 110' turntable is large enough to turn larger locomotives such as a 4-8-4 Northerns and 2-10-2s. It'll look great at your locomotive terminal, at junctions and anywhere else medium-sized steam locomotives must be turned.

$359.98 -17.9%
In Stock

Assembled - 19-1/8" 47.8cm Overall Diameter
Walthers Part # 933-2859
HO scale
Download the Instruction Sheet (2183 K bytes, PDF format)

Sure to be the focal point of any HO Scale engine terminal, this Walthers Cornerstone 130' Motorized Turntable is where steam locomotives, and later diesels, were turned around at the end of their runs. Normally serving a roundhouse, most were also placed for access to backshop facilities and servicing tracks. This 130' turntable was about as big as they come - large enough to turn a 4-8-8-4 Big Boy and other large, modern engines.

$359.98 -17.9%
In Stock

Assembled - 13-3/4" 34.9cm Overall Diameter
Walthers Part # 933-2860
HO scale
Download the Instruction Sheet (2183 K bytes, PDF format)

Sure to be the focal point of any HO Scale engine terminal, this Walthers Cornerstone 90' Motorized Turntable is where steam locomotives, and later diesels, were turned around at the end of their runs. Normally serving a roundhouse, most smaller turntables were placed adjoining the roundhouse and servicing tracks. This 90' turntable is large enough to turn typical locomotives as large as a 2-8-2 Mikado or 4-6-2 Pacific. It'll look great at smaller terminals, at junctions and anywhere else steam locomotives must be turned.

$89.98 -18.5%
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Kit - 16 x 20-1/8 x 5-1/2" 40.6 x 51.1 x 14cm
Walthers Part # 933-2900
HO scale

Download the Instruction Sheet (2510 K bytes, PDF format)

The Walthers Cornerstone 3-Stall Modern Roundhouse will be a hallmark of later steam-era railroading on your HO layout. If you model the diesel era you'll also find this kit to be a centerpiece of your servicing facility since some of these classics are still used today for servicing diesels. No matter the weather, workers could easily inspect and service locos under cover. Size was based on the number of engines coming and going in any 24-hour period, with the busiest terminals requiring full-circle roundhouses.

$64.98 -16.9%
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Machine Shop -- Kit
Walthers Part # 933-2902
HO scale
Download the Instruction Sheet (7154 K bytes, PDF format)

This kit matches the design of the Modern Roundhouse (933-2900, sold separately), and can be built as an attached or freestanding building. It also includes a boiler house, which would supply steam, electricity and compressed air to the entire facility. Large roll-up doors can be built open or closed, and the baseplate of the Machine Shop kit has slots that accept popular rail sizes.

$79.98 -18.5%
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Walthers Part # 933-2903
HO scale
Download the Instruction Sheet (3011 K bytes, PDF format)

As larger engines entered service, many railroads found their older coaling towers couldn't handle the increased demand. By the 1920s, railroads began contracting with outside firms to build new coaling towers. Concrete was the material of choice as it was easy to use, affordable, fireproof and weatherproof. Towers like this were built in yards at servicing facilities as well as along the mainline to refuel engines on the road. This plastic model features realistic concrete walls plus detailed chutes and mechanisms. Like the prototype, it can serve three tracks at once, making it an ideal choice for maximizing service in minimum space.

$59.98 -18.56%
In Stock

City Station -- Kit
Walthers Part # 933-2904
HO scale
Download the Instruction Sheet (647 K bytes, PDF format)

Railroads built large, elaborate stations at more important towns that generated a lot of freight and passenger business for the line. Others, such as the county seat, were of local importance. And in some, competition from other railroads led to the building of a bigger and better station facility.
The focal point of your city scene, this depot is based on a prototype structure at Wausau, Wisconsin, but is typical of larger, fancier stations built throughout the US. In addition to standard features like the agent's bay window and waiting room, this handsome building boasts a covered end platform and an attached baggage room.

$74.98 -16.56%
In Stock

Bridge Crane -- Kit
Walthers Part # 933-2906
HO scale
Download the Instruction Sheet (2835 K bytes, PDF format)

This impressive kit has a modular design and additional parts so you can build a longer or shorter version to fit your available space. With its superbly detailed steel truss work, operators cab, clamshell bucket, trolley and more, it will be a focal point of any scene. On the waterfront, it makes a great stand-alone coal or aggregate dock crane, and its a natural at a steel works handling iron ore, coal, and stone.

$64.98 -16.9%
In Stock

Gas Storage Tank -- Kit
Walthers Part # 933-2907
HO scale
Download the Instruction Sheet (3272 K bytes, PDF format)

These massive storage tanks often dominated the city skyline. These black giants were actually the last stop at the plant, used to store and pressurize the gas before it was fed into underground pipelines to supply customers. Gas was produced at a constant rate, so during the hours when demand was lower and more storage capacity was needed, the tank expanded using telescoping sections called "lifts." To keep these aligned as they rose and fell, they rode on a series of guide rails supported by a spider web of steel trusses on the outside of the tank.

$34.98 -17.44%
In Stock

Diesel Fueling Facility -- Kit
Walthers Part # 933-2908
HO scale
Download the Instruction Sheet (1145 K bytes, PDF format)

Based on prototypes introduced in the 1940s when railroads began the shift from steam to diesel power, diesel fueling facilities were originally placed on the servicing leads near roundhouses. Today, you'll still find them at terminals where locos are serviced between runs and out on the road at crew change and train inspection points.

$39.98 -15.51%
In Stock

Miss Bettie's Diner -- Kit
Walthers Part # 933-2909
HO scale
Download the Instruction Sheet (2981 K bytes, PDF format)

Back when an order for "sinkers and suds" brought you donuts and coffee, gleaming stainless steel restaurants like the Walthers Cornerstone Miss Bettie's Diner sprang up from coast to coast. Resembling railroad dining cars, these structures became hallmarks of the streamline era. Miss Bettie's Diner brings the glitz of those days to the streets of your layout. It's a natural on Main Street or just outside of town along a busy highway.

$49.98 -17.75%
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Clayton County Lumber -- Kit
Walthers Part # 933-2911
HO scale
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The Walthers Cornerstone Clayton County Lumber is a model of one of the most common trackside businesses. From tiny town to big city, small trackside warehouses are used by companies of every size and kind because they provide a handy place to store and protect merchandise shipped or delivered by rail.

$49.98 -17.75%
In Stock

Kit - 6-1/2 x 8-7/8 x 5" 16.5 x 22.5 x 12.7cm
Walthers Part # 933-2913
HO scale
Download the Instruction Sheet (3757 K bytes, PDF format)

Businesses like McGraw Oil Company sold heating oil, diesel fuel and gasoline to consumers and dealers. Each had several storage tanks, a rack and piping for unloading tank cars and pumphouses for loading local delivery trucks. Dealerships like McGraw Oil Co. could be found in small towns and larger cities from the 1930s on, so this kit will look great on your steam - or diesel-era layout.

$89.98 -18.5%
In Stock

Magic Pan Commercial Bakery -- Kit
Walthers Part # 933-2915
HO scale
Download the Instruction Sheet (6700 K bytes, PDF format)

This easy-to-build plastic kit is a great, unique industry for your post-1960s HO Scale railroad. The kit includes a main building with truck loading doors, four storage silos with piping and more. The Magic Pan Commercial Bakery buildings are easily arranged to fit your available space. You'll also find this kit great for other businesses such as a plastic molding plants or chemical distributors.

$99.98 -17.98%
In Stock

Diesel House -- Kit
Walthers Part # 933-2916
HO scale
Download the Instruction Sheet (3967 K bytes, PDF format)

This Walthers Cornerstone HO Scale Diesel House model is patterned after structures used by railroads across the continent. At many yards, the diesel house is a hotbed of activity. Arriving locomotives are run through the structure where mechanics check them over and make light repairs and adjustments. If major defects are noted, the units are bad ordered and shipped off to the road's backshop for further work.

$59.98 -18.56%
In Stock

Lakeville Modern-Style Warehouse -- Kit
Walthers Part # 933-2917, p. 170 Walthers 2020 HO Scale Reference
HO scale
Download the Instruction Sheet (1365 K bytes, PDF format)

The Walthers Cornerstone Lakeville Modern-Style Warehouse brings a general-use warehouse to your 1960s and later industrial parks. Based on a structure with a concrete-block foundation and corrugated metal superstructure, buildings like this can be found across the continent. This kit is a welcome addition to any industrial park. Use it as a destination for boxcars and trucks as well as for light manufacturing. This kit includes multiple truck doors, a railcar door for cars to be unloaded inside and a wall section with windows to simulate a small office.

$54.98 -17.82%
In Stock

Open Air Transload Building -- Kit
Walthers Part # 933-2918
HO scale
Download the Instruction Sheet (1655 K bytes, PDF format)

By the 1950s many railroads had outgrown freight houses and other facilities constructed in the early 1900s. The move to larger trucks for final cargo delivery also dictated a purpose-built transload. The kit features a large concrete loading dock, enclosed staging warehouse and sheltered dock. It's patterned after a Santa Fe prototype but is similar to others used across the continent and is a great destination for boxcars and flatcars. It's a natural for detailing with pallets, drums, sacks and forklifts (sold separately) and makes a great stop for way freights and switchers if you're into prototype operations.

$64.98 -16.9%
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Wood Coaling Tower -- Kit - 7-1/2 x 6-1/2 x 10-5/8" 19.1 x 16.5 x 27cm
Walthers Part # 933-2922
HO scale
Download the Instruction Sheet (2285 K bytes, PDF format)

Based on a typical two-track design, the Walthers Cornerstone Wood Coaling Tower will be a focal point in any engine terminal. Towers like this were built in yards at servicing facilities as well as along the mainlines and branchlines to refuel engines on the road. A hopper unloading shed sits along one side for receiving coal. Like the prototype, it can serve two tracks at once, making it an ideal choice for maximizing service in minimum space.

$64.98 -16.9%
In Stock

Washington Salvage Yard -- Kit
Walthers Part # 933-2928
HO scale
Download the Instruction Sheet (1957 K bytes, PDF format)

Combining office and a large work area into one structure, Washington Salvage is typical of the main buildings at many businesses, especially today's materials recycling facilities found in many communities. And, this combination of brick office and steel garage structure has been common since the 1960s, so your model could also serve as a county or city highway department garage, bus barn for a local mass transit authority, construction company offices, a railroad maintenance vehicle garage, truck or farm equipment dealership or any one of hundreds of similar businesses.

$59.98 -18.56%
In Stock

Whitehall Station -- Kit
Walthers Part # 933-2932
HO scale

The (Whitehall) depot served travelers until 1949, but remained an active freight agency until 1963. The City of Whitehall purchased the depot in 2003 and restored it as a small museum. The structure remains in its original location along the former GB&W mainline, in 2006 owned by Canadian National. It is listed in the National Register of Historic Places.

$54.98 -17.82%
In Stock

Silver Springs Bus Terminal -- Kit
Walthers Part # 933-2934
HO scale
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Boost Bus Service on your HO Layout

The Cornerstone Series Silver Springs Terminal is based on the streamlined structures that were built across the continent beginning in the late 30s. The clean lines of streamlined designs were applied to everything from light switch plates to vacuum cleaners; all evoked the look of speedy streamlined trains. With its curved windows and corrugated canopies, this transit terminal perfectly captures the look of the era. Bus stations similar to Silver Springs Terminal are still found in many cities, so this model will be a welcome addition to any transition- or diesel- era layout.

$39.98 -15.51%
In Stock

Grain Surge Bin -- Kit - 1-1/2 x 1-1/2 x 9" 3.8 x 3.8 x 22.7cm
Walthers Part # 933-2935
HO scale
Download the Instruction Sheet (3747 K bytes, PDF format)

The Walthers Cornerstone Grain Surge Bin is an ideal addition to any diesel-era grain elevator or feed mill scene. Above the surge bin, the funnel-shaped distribution head of the grain conveyor routes grain into the proper pipe, sending it cascading into storage bins, surge bin, covered hopper or grain truck. The surge bin regulates the flow of grain into the grain dryer. The surge bin is a necessary part of any grain handling operation and will add realism to your scene.

NOTE: Photo shows model with the Walthers Cornerstone Grain Dryer 933-3128 (directly underneath the Surge Bin) and Grain Bin 933-3123, both sold separately.

$54.98 -17.82%
In Stock

Wet-Dry Grain Storage Bin 2-Pack -- Kit
Walthers Part # 933-2937
HO scale
Download the Instruction Sheet (2444 K bytes, PDF format)

Cornerstone Wet-Dry Grain Storage Bins are signature structures for modern grain-handling scenes. This HO structure kit includes parts for two tall, corrugated-metal structures, perfect for a small facility or as part of a larger complex. If your post-1960s railroad hauls grain, these grain storage bins will look great at any elevator.

$29.98 -16.01%
In Stock

Conveyor Bridge and Support Tower (Photo-Etched) -- Kit

Walthers Part # 933-2940
HO scale

The Walthers Cornerstone HO Scale Conveyor Bridge and Support Tower add realistic detail for any modern grain-handling operation. Also great for adding detailing at other Cornerstone HO Scale industrial buildings requiring open-air walkways and conveyor supports, this detail kit consists of highly detailed photo-etched brass parts with near-scale thickness.

$59.98 -18.56%
In Stock

Modern Grain Head House w/Silos -- Kit
Walthers Part # 933-2942
HO scale
Download the Instruction Sheet (1413 K bytes, PDF format)

The Cornerstone Modern Grain Head House with Silos is patterned after the most identifiable structure in many grain-handling complexes. This detailed HO structure kit includes the roof-mounted head house, a simulated conveyor and eight silos, a truck receiving dock with loading doors and rooftop vent details. A great addition to any grain complex it's ideal for loading covered hoppers, boxcars and trucks in your favorite era.

$34.98 -17.44%
In Stock

Elevated Crossing Tower pkg(2)
Walthers Part # 933-2945
HO scale

Protect HO highways in busy cities with this detailed Cornerstone kit! Ideal for steam- or diesel-era grade crossings, the model is based on the Milwaukee Road's distinctive two-story octagonal towers that protected each end of the Everett Street station complex, as well as other locations, and similar structures could be found on other railroads. 

$29.98 -16.01%
In Stock

Kit - Build as Single- or Double-Track

Walthers Part # 933-2948
HO scale

Download the Instruction Sheet (1058 K bytes, PDF format)

This Walthers Cornerstone Through Plate-Girder Bridge kit is based on one of the most common North American railroad bridge designs. It's part of the Cornerstone Engineered Bridge System and is designed to be compatible with system abutments and bridge piers. Plate-girder bridges are typically used to cross short distances between 30 and 90' 9.1 to 30.4m.

$39.98 -15.51%
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Brick Freight Office -- Kit 
Walthers Part # 933-2953
HO scale
Download the Instruction Sheet (1741 K bytes, PDF format)

The Walthers Cornerstone Brick Freight Office is where businesses and small industries that didn't have their own sidings arranged for rail service. Many off-line shippers relied on the railroad to move their goods from trains to trucks for delivery to stores and warehouses. The freight office served as the "brains" of the operation, housing an army of clerks who kept track of paperwork and billing.

$44.98 -17.74%
In Stock

Brick Freight House -- Kit
Walthers Part # 933-2954
HO scale
Download the Instruction Sheet (464 K bytes, PDF format)

The freight house was where the action took place and the adjacent Freight Office served as the "brains" of the operation, housing an army of clerks who kept track of paperwork and billing. This kit is based on a structure that stood on Fowler Street, just south of Milwaukee's hometown depot. Its classic American design is similar to buildings in many other cities making it ideal for use in any shipping terminal. On your layout the Freight House can also be used as part of a larger industry or in a railroad yard to handle company materials. Special end walls in the Freight House allow you to easily combine kits to create a longer facility serving more cars.

$19.98 -14.91%
In Stock

Support Trusses for Guywires and Piping (Photo-etched) -- Kit
Walthers Part # 933-2955
HO scale

Customize a wide range of industries using overhead pipes to move dry, bulk materials with the Cornerstone Support Trusses. The prototypes are seen at grain elevators and similar facilities, and are used to keep supply pipes from bending under load.

$54.98 -17.82%
In Stock

Kit - 10-1/8 x 5-3/4 x 6-3/16" 35.7 x 14.6 x 16cm
Walthers Part # 933-2967
HO scale
Download the Instruction Sheet (19286 K bytes, PDF format)

Whether used for a large industrial complex or near a rail terminal the Walthers Cornerstone HO Scale Engineering Office is an ideal addition to trackside scenes from the early 1900s into the 1970s and beyond.

$89.98 -18.5%
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Railroad Shop -- Kit
Walthers Part # 933-2970
HO scale
Download the Instruction Sheet (5704 K bytes, PDF format)

The prototypes for the Cornerstone Railroad Shop were built for the needs of steam locos, but were easily upgraded to handle diesels in later years. Based on our earlier Backshop kit and sharing many architectural elements, this detailed structure kit is larger to handle almost any motive power. Used by itself, the Railroad Shop building is perfect for all kinds of heavy industries that require overhead crane space and a large working floor.

$34.98 -17.44%
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Pennsylvania Railroad Block & Interlocking Station -- Kit
Walthers Part # 933-2982
HO scale
Download the Instruction Sheet (6066 K bytes, PDF format)

The Pennsylvania Railroad was noted for its unique structures and the Walthers Cornerstone HO Scale PRR Block and Interlocking Station captures the family look of the railroad's buildings to a tee. On the Pennsy brick towers were used along the line at busy junctions, interlockings and other block stations. Inside operators shepherded trains through complex trackwork by lining signals and turnouts. These towers were used on railroads affiliated with the Pennsy, successors Penn Central and Amtrak and are extremely similar to towers on other railroads. A few have been preserved by historical groups in the modern era.

$34.98 -17.44%
In Stock

Santa Fe Interlocking Tower -- Kit
Walthers Part # 933-2983
HO scale
Download the Instruction Sheet (749 K bytes, PDF format)

The Walthers Cornerstone HO Scale Santa Fe Interlocking Tower makes adding authentic ATSF structures to your railroad easier than ever. Used in many locations along the railroad, this stucco texture tower will look great at any junction or yard along your Santa Fe-themed layout set in the steam or classic-diesel era. Although based on a standard ATSF building, this tower is typical of those seen along other railroads as well.

$99.98 -17.98%
In Stock

Train Shed with Clear Roof -- Kit
Walthers Part # 933-2984
HO scale, Retail: $99.98
Download the Instruction Sheet (1409 K bytes, PDF format)

This easy-to-build model is based on the Milwaukee Road's structure in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, but several other railroads used train sheds that were extremely similar, so it will look at home on any steam or streamliner-era layout. This kit features a translucent roof molded in clear plastic so you can see what's under the canopy or you can paint it to leave skylight panels as used on several station sheds.

$39.98 -15.51%
In Stock

Kit - 11 x 4-1/4 x 4-1/4" 27.9 x 10.7 x 10.7cm

Walthers Part # 933-2985
HO scale

Service your motive power in style with the Modern Single-Track Engine House kit from Cornerstone! Typical of prefab metal buildings adapted to the needs of railroads large and small, the finished model is typical of service and inspection facilities used by short lines, industrial roads and supporting operations on large railroads too.

$49.98 -17.75%
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Modern Double-Track Engine House -- Kit
Walthers Part # 933-2986
HO scale

Modernize your busy engine service facilities quickly and easily with the Modern Double-Track Engine House kit from Cornerstone! Perfect as the shop for a shjort line or industrial road, similar buildings can be found at major engine facilities providing a variety of support services

$49.98 -17.75%
In Stock

Interstate Fuel & Oil -- Kit
Walthers Part # 933-3006
HO scale
Download the Instruction Sheet (2532 K bytes, PDF format)

The prototypes for bulk oil distributors like the Walthers Cornerstone HO Scale Interstate Fuel and Oil have long been important for every railroad. At home in cities and towns, dealerships like this distribute fuel oil, gasoline and other products locally. This structure kit includes horizontal and vertical storage tanks, above-ground piping, pump house with header stand to unload tank cars, truck loading rack and corrugated metal office. Like the prototypes, the various pieces on Interstate Fuel and Oil can be arranged to fit available space. A gas pump, oil drums and other details are also provided.

$49.98 -17.75%
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Kit - 12-3/4 x 7 x 5-1/4" 31.8 x 17.5 x 13.1cm - Holds Locos To 11-5/8" 29cm
Walthers Part # 933-3007
HO scale
Download the Instruction Sheet (3412 K bytes, PDF format)

The Walthers Cornerstone HO Scale 2-Stall Engine House kit is patterned after brick locomotive sheds constructed in the steam-era and still used for diesels. Perfect for short lines, branch lines or interurban railroads, this engine house adds authenticity to any small servicing scene. Inside, inspections and light repairs are completed on all types of locos and cars. This kit is detailed with movable doors, oil drums, separate windows and a pillar crane. Parts are included to extend one track through the engine house. Engines or cars up to 11-5/8" long can be stored inside.

$39.98 -15.51%
In Stock

Kit - 20-1/2 x 6-1/4" 52 x 15.8cm
Walthers Part # 933-3009
HO scale
Download the Instruction Sheet (4826 K bytes, PDF format)
The Walthers Cornerstone HO Scale Water Street Freight Terminal is an ideal addition to trackside scenes from the early 1900s into the 1970s and beyond. Freight terminals were essential to railroads, handling less-than-carload lot (lcl) shipments. Loads arrived in boxcars or reefers and were transferred to trucks for local delivery. Each railroad serving a community had its own terminal, usually near the main passenger station or classification yard. In the modern era these structures have been repurposed into everything from trucking terminals to restaurants. 

$29.98 -16.01%
In Stock

Kit - 7-3/8 x 7-1/4" 18.7 x 18.4cm
Walthers Part # 933-3010
HO scale
Download the Instruction Sheet (2836 K bytes, PDF format)
The Walthers Cornerstone HO Scale Brook Hill Farm Dairy is a three-story brick-and-stucco factory building that has plenty of uses on any steam or diesel-era layout. Featuring loading docks for railroad and truck shipments this classic building also includes colorful sign decals and milk cans for added dock detailing. 

$34.98 -17.44%
In Stock

Central Gas & Supply -- Kit
Walthers Part # 933-3011
HO scale
Download the Instruction Sheet (2294 K bytes, PDF format)

The HO Scale Walthers Cornerstone Central Gas and Supply kit is a great trackside business for every 1960s and later layout. Propane distribution facilities are common throughout the country, receiving bulk shipments by rail and truck. The gas is easily converted into a liquid, which is then stored in insulated, cylindrical tanks. Commonly used for home and industrial heating, propane is also widely used as fuel for taxis, trucks and buses.

$49.98 -17.75%
In Stock

Kit - 10-5/8 x 10-1/4 x 6-3/4" 27 x 26 x 17.1cm
Walthers Part # 933-3014
HO scale
Download the Instruction Sheet (5375 K bytes, PDF format)

Walthers Cornerstone HO Scale Reliable Warehouse and Storage is a great factory or warehouse that's easily placed on any layout. The growth of railroads in the late 19th century attracted new industries to the right-of-way. Businesses located close to the tracks, often on odd-shaped lots. These structures are still common. The triangular shape is ideal for corners or between a mainline and spur. A roof-top water tower, stairway, chimney and loading dock are all included. Great for steam-era and transition-era scenes, many structures like Reliable Warehouse and Storage still stand today.

$69.98 -17.45%
In Stock

New River Mining Company -- Kit
Walthers Part # 933-3017
HO scale
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Based on a trackside coal tipple for loading hoppers or gondolas, this easy-to-build kit features realistic corrugated metal construction, steel supports and separate ladders and stairways. New River is set up to load hoppers on three tracks, and if you're modeling a mine that loads coal trucks for short hauls you can choose to replace a track with a road. The New River Mining Co. also includes a conveyor with supports that can be run underground into the mine or distant mine head.

$39.98 -15.51%
In Stock

Golden Valley Canning Company -- Kit - Main Building: 10-1/2 x 8"; Boiler House: 4-3/4 x 3"
Walthers Part # 933-3018
HO scale
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The Walthers Cornerstone HO Scale Golden Valley Canning Company is based on typical canning plants that play a big part in putting food on the table each and every day. Canned and frozen foods move in bulk from regional canning operations to cities around the country, where they're transported to local stores for sale. Canneries can be found in small towns and larger cities, producing everything from fruit and vegetables to meats, jellies and sauces.

$54.98 -17.82%
In Stock

Medusa Cement Company -- Kit
Walthers Part # 933-3019
HO scale
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Cement distribution plants such as Medusa Cement are vital to the construction industry, providing the bulk cement used to make concrete. This Walthers Cornerstone kit makes a great addition to an industrial district or along a waterfront (the location of the prototype this kit is based on). With eight tall storage silos, conveyor tower and rail car unloading shed this structure looks impressively large but is sized to fit most layouts. Other details include separate roll-up doors for truck loading, plus separate rooftop piping, railing and dust collectors.

$54.98 -17.82%
In Stock

RJ Frost Ice & Storage -- Kit - 11 x 11" 28 x 28cm
Walthers Part # 933-3020
HO scale
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Next time you're in the grocery store, look at the incredible variety of fresh and frozen foods available. Most of them were grown and processed in another area, then shipped to facilities like the prototypes of Walthers Cornerstone RJ Frost Ice and Storage. Along they way, they spent some of their rail and truck journey in a cold storage plant. These buildings are commonly found in agricultural areas where foods are readied for shipment, and in large cities where the food is stored for pickup by local customers. This kit captures the look and feel of a large cold storage warehouse in a size that fits most layouts.